Congratulations to all 2023 Student Scholar Symposium Winners
The 2023 Student Scholar Symposium was held on March 27 and 28 in the UCF Student Union, Pegasus Ballroom. Over 600 students presented in 5 sessions and winners were selected by faculty judges.
Graduate Winners
Christopher Ngo
The Use of a Designer Nanozyme to Mitigate Osteoclastic Formation
Margaret Kalka, Breon Clark, Joshua Guzman
Comparing Exercise and Pharmaceutical Interventions in the Treatment of Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review
Jennyfer Vivas Gomez
Ultrasonic Piezo-Transducer Integrated With Field Effect Piezo-Transistor
Balaashwin Babu
Mitigating Spaceflight Osteopenia Using Radioprotectant Ceria Nanoparticle (CNP) Drug Delivery System
Jordan Schotz
Revisiting Visual Cues of Trustworthiness in a Believable Social Environment: Unique Effects of Social vs. Nonsocial Cues on Trust-Related Behavior
Debanjana Dey
Third-Party vs Owner Management in the Vacation Rental Market: Evidence From Airbnb
Undergraduate Winners
Alina Wise
Analyzing the Relationship Between the Quality of Life and Race of Lung Cancer Survivors
Jay Rusch
Examining Distinct Suicidal Crisis Triggers in Individuals Who Struggle With Substance Misuse
Lauren Abbitt
Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response in Parainfluenza Virus Acute to Persistent Infections
Sahiba Ahmed
Exploiting Multiplex CRISPRi to Identify and Prioritize Synergistic Drug Targets in Mycobacterium Abscessus
Marie Burdett
Flower Power: Using Native Plants to Enhance Pollinator Habitat in Suburban Developments
Samantha Stoltz
Transition Metal Tuned Nanoceria for Targeted Biomedical Use: Selective Prooxidant/Antioxidant Character and Implications in a Cancer System
Jean Jerome
Ultrahigh Drug Loaded Micelles for Drug Delivery Applications
Rafael Leite
The Effects of Virtual Reality Based Mindfulness Meditation on Cognition
Parth Nakirikanti
Attention, Working Memory, and Adaptive Functioning in Emerging Young Adults With Psychometrically-Defined Schizotypy
Michelle Bondzie
Unmoored: Capturing Identity, Change, and Executive Dysfunction on Film
Graduate Winners
Gabriel Benson
Testing Halodule Wrightii Planting Methods and Improving Site Selection in Mosquito Lagoon, FL
Justine Renziehausen
Reliability of an Intermittent Handgrip Fatiguing Protocol
Julio Hector Ojeda Velarde
Sequence-Independent Assay for the Quantitation of HIV Viral Loads
Andres Kaosaar
Nonlinear Dynamics of Team Affect for Long-Duration Spaceflight
James Rujimora, Dania Fakhro
Adverse Childhood Experiences as Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in a Training Clinic
Itunu Ilesanmi
Assessing the Barriers to Reintegration Among Returnees
Undergraduate Winners
Christina Beck, Seamus Walker
Review of Nuclear Surface Colors and Size Estimates of Centaurs 95P, 158P, 174P, and P/2019 LD2
Elaina Berger
Reactivity and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activity of Fresh and Oxidized Maleic Acid Aerosol Particles
Katina Chris
The Role of Multitasking and Technology Use in Vigilance Performance and Processing Speed
Savannah Dugger
Faith in People or Faith in Technology: A Study of Personality and Trust in Technology
Venkata Naga Sreelalitapriya Duvuuri
Using Single-Nuclei Data for Cell-Type Specific Nuclear Marker Discovery
Sam Klopp
High Pressure Ignition Study of Methane and CO2 Near 200 Bar in a Shock Tube
Hope Miller, Sebastian Garcia, Carol Merengwa, Michelle Bondzie
New Exhibition Video for WellsBuilt Museum of African American History & Culture
Justin Nazario
Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Superior Temporal Activation in Transgender College Students Utilizing Chosen Surnames: A Review
Jacquilyn Reilly
Designing Inorganic Charge Transport Layers for Perovskite Solar Cells
Graduate Winners
Holly Moots
First In-Class LAT-1 Efflux Agonists for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancers.
Jonathan Beausejour
The Effects of Training Near Volitional Fatigue on Motor Unit Properties in Previously Trained Adults
Michael Lafferty
Coloring Graphs With No Kt-S Minor
Brianna Muir
Exploring Maternal Health and Mortality in Roman Egypt (50 – 350 CE): A Case Study From Kellis 2 (Dakhleh Oasis)
Yu-Shan Huang
When Green Companies Cultivate Non-Green Consumers: The Role of Moral Delegation in Pro-Environmental Behavior
Undergraduate Winners
Kathleen Velez
Assessing the Effects of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on Interferon Alpha (IFN-𝛼) Primed Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Responses by Primary Human T Cells.
Katherine Johnsen
The Potential of Constructed Treatment Wetland Systems to Be Used as Effective Microplastic Mitigation Tools
Bethany Bradshaw
A Comparison of Traditional Versus Functional Resistance Training Programs on Functional Outcomes in Older Adults: A Proposal
Brenda Martinez Rodriguez
Reduced Ms NnlA Degrades N-Nitroglycine to Glyoxylate, Nitrite, and Ammonium.
Connor Shrader
Predation and Harvesting in Spatial Population Models
Saoulkie Bertin
Setting Local Nicotine Policy and Attitudes: An Anthropological Analysis of Nicotine Activist Groups and User in Central Florida
Quang Hong Phuoc Thai
Usefulness and Aesthetics as Drivers of Intention to Follow Depression Self-Help Accounts on Social Media
Kelsey Robinson, Viviana Rivera
Art in Pediatric Prosthetic Limbs: Methods and Creative Design
Graduate Winners
Anamaria Morales Alvarez
GPR84 Receptor: A Novel Metabolic Checkpoint Blockade for Cancer Immunotherapy
Piotr Lagod
The Role of Propionic Acid in Glial Cell Over-Proliferation and Neuro- and Gastrointestinal-Inflammation Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Hunter Miller, Nicholas Coletti, Zofia Haack
The Effectiveness of Sequential Quadriceps Contractions on Rectus Femoris Contractile Properties Post Acute Acl Reconstruction as Measured by Tensiomyography
Rajkumar Dhar
Noninvasive Detection of Intracranial Pressure Using Pulsation of Tympanic Membrane
Oluwaseun Farotimi, Christine DeStefano
An Enhanced Preparation Model (EPM) for Improving Educational Outcomes: Measuring Pre-Service Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy
Undergraduate Winners
Emily Fackler
Do Genes Influence the Migratory Timing of Great Reed Warblers?
Ayden Kelly, Nicole Boisson
Effect of Clay and Organic Matter Additions on Carbon Loss From Wetland Soils
Samuel Moldenhauer
Applying AI to Neuropathological Assessment
Eric Han
The Relationship Between Inflammatory Diet Score and Cancer Outcomes: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Anthony Marantino, Keana Paredes
Sensitivity Analysis of Photonic Lantern Effectiveness Due to Degraded Input Conditions
Allyson Shenkman
An Examination of Diet Change Over Time in the Ais Community of Cape Canaveral, Florida
Hanya Irfan
Associations Between Shame and Guilt, Self-Esteem, and Health Risk Behavior Among Undergraduate Students
Akhila Damarla, Kishan Vishanagra, Venkata Duvuuri
Relationship of Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Concordance to Physician-Patient Communication: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies
Ishaan Patel
Study of miR-216a Conjugated Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for Increasing Insulin and Antioxidant Properties of Type 1 Diabetic Pancreatic Beta Cells
Graduate Winners
Adam Reres
Initial Analysis of Communication Needs and Obstacles for Healthcare Workers of Medically Fragile Adults During COVID-19
Sean Hinkle
Investigating Behavioral Indicators of Spatial Presence in vr
Brianna Ariza
The Effect of Osmolytes on Actin Bundling and Bundle Mechanics by Chlamydia Trachomatis Tarp
Andrew Perez, Alison Palmer, Gabriel Collado
Tensiomyography: Assessing the Immediate Effects of Kettlebell Swings on Lumbar Paraspinal Muscle Function
Ala’ Alhendi
The Damaging Effect of Upregulated IL-6 on Intestinal Epithelial Integrity and Function in Crohn’s Disease
Session V: Undergraduate
Elisabeth Campbell
Diverse Expressions of the Black Identity in Jackson, Mississippi: Stories
Akash Rajaram
Beta-Sheet Seeding of Liquid Coacervates to Induce Liquid-to-Solid Phase Transition
Trenton Lam
The Effects of Past Betrayals on Trust Behavior
Jennifer Volk, Arya Patel
Investigating Soil CO2 Flux Among Varying Soil Types and Redox Conditions
Seva Reilly, Marie Hamel, Sydney Carey, Jesse Harris, Ariana Jordan
Advocating for Aphasia: Using the Performing Arts to Create a Conscious Community
Ronni Creque-Aqui
Exploiting of CRISPRi and Luciferase-Based Reporters to Find Drug Targets in Mycobacterium Abscessus
Brisilda Bejte
The Effects of Traditional Versus Functional Resistance Training on Body Composition in Older Adults: A Proposal
Christian Harrs
Reciprocal Regulation Between DNMT3A/3B and microRNAs 299-3p and 30e Lead to Downregulation of microRNAs Targeting Androgen Receptors in Prostate Cancer
Sophia Stahl
Lets Break It Down: Treatment Wetlands’ Impact on Clothing Fiber Removal
Melissa Marks
Evaluating Morphometric Analysis of the Talus for Biological Sex Assessment in Ancient Maya and Egyptian Archaeological Populations
Kaitlyn Medina
How Do Undergraduate Students Studying General Chemistry and Physics Approach Designing Multiple-Choice Questions in Learner Sourcing Communities?
Thank you to our sponsors of the 2023 Student Scholar Symposium